Learn about the astonishing world of plant and insect relationships in this classic game of matching. Through careful observation, players work to find 21 pairs (42 cards) of matching native plant and insect card pairs by memory, flipping over matches. Afterward, with with their keen senses at the ready, they can venture outdoors and observe these same connections in the wild.

In addition to Monarch butterflies, there are thousands of other insect species that also have very specialized relationships with plants. Many now face extinction as they lose their native food sources. Players will learn about these native plant and insect relationships through game play, along with a insert map of Ecoregion 8: Eastern Temperate Forests of North America, highlighting each species in the game.

With an insect apocalypse underway in our world, this game serves to refocus audiences from a humancentric world view to one where the tiniest and quietest living things are valued and celebrated for their critically important role in
the web of life.


Hand-crafted Wooden Mushrooms


National Parks of the United States Map